You Can Do Better

You Can Do Better.

Be Honest With Yourself, And You’ll Realize Something Powerful. You Can Do Better.

That Isn’t A Criticism. Indeed, It’s A Compliment, An Acknowledgment Of Your Highest Possibilities.

As Much As You’ve Succeeded, As Much As You’ve Failed, Now You Can Do Better. You Can Make Full Use Of All The Success, Of All The Failure, Of All The Priceless Experience.

You Can Let Life Challenge You To A New Adventure. You Can Embrace A Bigger And More Meaningful Chunk Of Your Potential.

Show Your Critics Just How Right They Were, In A Good Way. Show How Much More Value, Achievement, Kindness, And Patience You’re Capable Of Bringing Into The World.

You Can. Do Better.

— Ralph Marston

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Are You Stuck?

Stay In Motion

Keep thinking, keep speaking, keep doing. Even if it’s not much, even if it seems like nothing, keep going.

You may not be making as much progress as you’d like. But you’re making more progress than if you just stopped completely.

Stay in motion, keep the thoughts and words and actions coming, and you’ll get better at it all. Stay in motion and you can adjust, adapt, improve, experience what works well and what doesn’t.

When you get interrupted don’t let it get you down. Just jump back on track and in motion as quickly as you can.

If all that motion is leading you astray, be honest enough to see it. Then point in a more positive direction and get back in motion again.

There’s so much you’re always capable of learning, achieving, and experiencing. Stay in motion, and make the best of it happen.

— Ralph Marston

Don’t Forget To Follow Us @sparklesandcupcakesblog On Facebook & Instagram

Thursday, May 13, 2021


Self-imposed misery does not provide anything of any value to anyone. Let it go, and let life be beautiful.

Stop any obsession you might have with taking offense, giving offense, cataloging and enumerating all the offenses and potential offenses. Step back, chill out, and let life be beautiful.

Enjoy experiences that you did not expect or plan. See the beauty in what you cannot control or possess.

Have faith that what is built on truth will outlast and overpower all that is not. Uphold your values by living them rather than by merely preaching about them.

Recognize the beauty that exists in your own uniqueness, and in the uniqueness of each person you encounter. At the same time, see the beauty of your connection to all that is.

Life is endlessly difficult yet you have the power to transcend that difficulty. Despite it all, and because of it all, you can let life be beautiful.

— Ralph Marston

Sunday Motivation

Choose Your Best Thoughts 🌸

It’s a thought that gets you going. It’s a thought that holds you back.

Confidence, doubt, curiosity, ambition, all are directly connected to what you think. So what do you think?

Are your thoughts scattered and wandering or focused and purposeful? That makes a big difference in where your life goes.

Your thoughts are yours to choose, to use, to build upon, or to discard if necessary. Take responsibility for them, work to make them beneficial and empowering, and the better your life will be.

A whole lot of people want to influence what you think because they think it gives them great advantage. Yet the person best positioned to choose your thoughts is you.

So use that power in the best way you can. Choose your thoughts as if the quality of your life depends on them, because it does.

— Ralph Marston

3 Simple Steps To Success

Practice The Creative Process, it helps you create what you want in three simple steps: Ask, Believe, and Receive. 

  1. Asking the Universe for what you want is your opportunity to get clear about what you want. As you get clear in your mind, you have asked.
  2. Believing involves acting, speaking, and thinking as though you have already received what you’ve asked for. When you emit the frequency of having received it, the law of attraction moves people, events and circumstances for you to receive.
  3. Receiving involves feeling the way you will feel once your desire has manifested. Feeling good now puts you on the frequency of what you want.


“Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen.”


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